Aged care residents and babies are...
SBS World News ran a story over the weekend about the innovative scheme - Timeless Play - where...
Read more >Moving into residential aged care involves a lot of change for you and your family, and we are committed to making the transition as easy as possible. We care for people from all walks of life, and ensure that every individual in our care feels safe and secure.
Our staff acknowledge and respect the specific needs of every individual, including people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and gender-diverse backgrounds.
You can rest assured that you or your loved one will be well looked after by our compassionate and dedicated care teams, with the added peace of mind of 24-hour care by registered nurses.
Cultural celebrations, art and craft, bus trips, music, exercise and entertainment make up much of our homes' activity calendars, and what you participate in is up to you. There is also plenty of time for you to relax in your room or in a comfortable chair in one of our lounge rooms.
Assistance with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing and mobility is available if you need it. Your laundry will be done for you, and nutritious meals and refreshments are prepared for you throughout the day - with a few treats, of course!
Services such as nursing, occupational therapy, speech pathology and physiotherapy are provided, and visits from other medical professionals such as doctors, dentists, podiatrists and optometrists are arranged as needed.
Each of our aged care homes is unique, but all include single or companion rooms with either an ensuite or shared bathroom. Shared spaces such as lounge and dining rooms, activity areas, gardens and courtyards make up the majority of the home, and visitors are welcome at any time.
For more information about our aged care homes you can download our Understanding Residential Aged Care fact sheet for Western Australia or contact us.
SBS World News ran a story over the weekend about the innovative scheme - Timeless Play - where...
Read more >Hall & Prior takes over operations and management of Montana Nursing Home in Mosman, NSW.
Read more >Hall & Prior's staff are now 100% vaccinated against COVID-19 (first dose).
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